Dont miss this exclusive opportunity

Limited spots available, so reserve your place now and be part of something extraordinary! Booking Deadline - 30th July

Arrival - Tues 10th Sept (between 10pm-2pm) | Departures - Thurs 12th Sept (from 12 noon onwards)


Beautiful English Country Hotel | Speakers and Experts from Global Financial Institutions | Welcome Dinner and Gala Dinner | Special appearence from Yoni Assia (eToro CEO) and other c-level executives Workshops and professional sessions with the Popular Investor team | Traditional British outdoor activities


*subject to change







Welcome, registration (check-in) and networking lunch
12:00  to  14:00

Get registered for the Summit, check-in, meet fellow Popular Investors, chill-out at the hotel and have a bite to eat. 

Check-in & Leisure Activities

Welcome to Popular Investor Summit
14:15  to  14:45

Official opening of the Summit by the Head of the Popular Investor Program, Sam Rudnick. 

Official opening of the Summit - welcome presentation and the purpose of the retreat

Social Media Marketing Workshop hosted by
14:45  to  16:00

A team of experts from are going to show our Popular Investors how to build a rockstar profile on their social media platform, in addition they will demonstrate the tools available to generate great content and build a following. 

How to build a reputable following on X

Gal Gasman Dotan. Client Partner. X.
Sophie Trinder. Head of Brand Strategy, UK. X.
Coffee break and X - The Library bar
16:00  to  16:30

Coffee break and a chance to interact 1 on 1 with the team to go over your social media profiles. 

Gal Gasman Dotan. Client Partner. X.
Sophie Trinder. Head of Brand Strategy, UK. X.
Marketing Content Workshop
16:30  to  17:30

eToro's Editor in Chief, Mati Alon will provide guidance on how to build your brand as an investor. Fellow Popular Investor, Neza Molk (Nezatron), will also provide her insights on her own investing journey. 

How to generate appealing market analysis, including podcasts, feed content ands blog content

End of day one close
17:30  to  18:00

Wrap day one, discuss plan for evening and tomorrow morning

Opening Night Drinks and Dinner for all Popular Investors
19:30  to  22:15

Welcome Dinner - Chestnut Suite
Popular Investors

Mingle with fellow Popular Investors and staff over drinks and canapes

Post dinner drinks / music
22:15  to  23:59

The Library bar


PeerHouse of Lords
Managing Director, BlackRock, Head of the EMEA Investment Strategy TeamBlackRock
Elite ProPopular Investor
Investment DirectorSoftBank
Head of Brand Strategy, UKX
Portfolio ManagerWellington Management
CEO & FoundereToro
Client PartnerX


Tynley Hall Hotel, Hampshire, UK.

The hotel is situated 35 minutes taxi ride from Heathrow Airport and 42 minutes direct train journey from London Waterloo. Car parking is also available on request. Visit the hotel website - click here

Train Travel
There are direct trains from Waterloo Station to Basingstoke Train Station, which go every 42, 50, 09, 12, 20 minutes past the hour on Tuesday 10 September and returns every 54, 57, 12, 24, 30, 35 minutes past the hour on Thursday 12 September. 

eToro have organised a shuttle coach which will run between Tynley Hall and Basingstoke Train Station during the below hours: 

Tuesday 10 September: 10:00 - 14:00
Thursday 12 September: 09:00 - 14:00

Tylney Hall Hotel & Gardens
Ridge Ln, Rotherwick, Hook RG27 9AZ


Can I bring my partner/ +1?

Yes, partners are welcome to stay at the hotel.

However, some events may be exclusive to Popular Investors (such as welcome and gala dinner), and summit-related activities may not include partners. The hotel offers excellent facilities for their enjoyment - please see the hotel website.There is a £60 surcharge for partners B&B, payable on booking. Dinner and lunch costs will be payable at the hotel.

Note - there is a limit to partners we can have on site, so please book at your earliest convenience.


What's the schedule?

The summit spans 2.5 days in an investment retreat style, filled with enriching sessions and networking opportunities. The full agenda will be shared in due course. Arrival and welcome for the Summit will be at noon on Tuesday. The Summit sessions will take place on Tuesday afternoon and all-day Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be informal leisure activities, before guests departing after lunch.


When will I receive the full agenda?

The full agenda will be sent 4-6 weeks before the event. Ongoing updates will be provided before then on the event website, including confirmed speakers.

Can I stay somewhere else?

The Summit is taking place in the form of a retreat. To receive confirmation of attendance, you must book to stay at the location (Tynley Hall) for the 2 nights/2.5 days.

Can I come for just one day?

The Summit is taking place in the form of a retreat, to participate one is required to commit to being there for the full agenda.


Are there accommodations available if the main hotel is full?

We have limited spots available at a nearby hotel (accessible via shuttle) once we reach full capacity. Note that this also has limited space. You can still enjoy the main facilities of Tylney Hall while staying here. Rooms at the overflow hotel will not become available until the main event hotel has reached capacity.


Can I share a room with a fellow Popular Investor?

Yes, you can share with a fellow Popular Investor. Please mention the names of those staying when completing the booking form. NB - only one payment (in full) can be taken when booking and there will be an additional fee for an additional guest.


How do I get to the hotel?

Train Travel
There are direct trains from Waterloo Station to Basingstoke Train station, which go every 42, 50, 09, 12, 20 minutes past the hour on Tuesday 10 September and returns every 54, 57, 12, 24, 30, 35 minutes past the hour on Thursday 12 September. 

eToro have organised a shuttle coach which will run between Tynley Hall and Basingstoke Train Station during the below hours: 

Tuesday 10 September: 10:00 - 14:00
Thursday 12 September: 09:00 - 14:00

Any specific questions regarding getting to and from the location can be made via the Tylney Hall website We have chosen a location that is accessible via international airports and mainland rail from London.


Are we subsidizing any costs for Popular Investors?

The event is free for Popular Investors, and accommodation is heavily subsidized as part of eToro taking over the location for the 2.5 days. There will be no payment or compensation for attending this event.


Is there a deadline to book and confirm?

We suggest booking as soon as possible as places are limited. The final deadline is 30th July.


What do I expect to get out of the event?

We hope Popular Investors build deep relationships with one another and staff from eToro and also develop investment skills. We hope this event is inspiring and fun. We have had incredible feedback from the previous Summits in London (2022) and Abu Dhabi (2023).


Why did you choose this location?

The majority of Popular Investors come from the UK and mainland Europe. As such, we chose a luxury location most convenient for our Popular Investors, as well as for our external speakers. We chose a date and a beautiful location that we hope will be accommodating in regards to the weather, but you never know... it may rain :)


How do I know my attendance is confirmed?

Upon signing up for the Summit through the registration form and booking a room, your confirmation is complete. We will send another confirmation and reminder to all those who have booked a month before the event with more details.

What’s the dress code?

The dress code for the Summit is smart casual. For the gala dinner, formal business attire is recommended. Additionally, please bring a swimsuit and outdoor clothing for the activities.


What’s the event's spoken language?

The event will be in English. Unfortunately, we do not have the option to provide translation services during the event.


Can I come if I am not a Popular Investor?

The Popular Investor event is invite-only for eToro Popular Investors.

Event: PIsummit24
Has been finalized